Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Crab Benedict aka Eggs Neptune

Crab Benedict aka Eggs Neptune is a twist on the dish known as Eggs Benedict using crabmeat in place of ham. In the U.S. there are 7 grade classifications of crabmeat. From smallest to largest grade they are:
  • Claw Fingers
  • The Claw Fingers, also called Cocktail Fingers, are the tips of the pinchers, usually served whole, with the dark pink meat still in it. They are commonly used as garnish or hors d'œuvre.
  • Claw
  • Claw meat is the dark pink meat that comes from the swimming fins and claws of the crab. It has a stronger taste, and is less expensive than the white color meat grades. It is often used in soups, where the strong taste comes through.
  • Special
  • The "special meat" is shreds and small flakes of white meat from the body cavity of the crab. It is generally used for all dishes in which white crab meat is used
  • Back Fin
  • The back fin portion consists of flakes of white meat, coming both from the special meat and the jumbo lump. Back fin is a popular crab meat for Chesapeake Bay, Maryland style crab cakes
  • Lump
  • The Lump grade of crab meat is composed of broken pieces of Jumbo Lump, which are not included in the Jumbo Lump grade pack, and other flake pieces. This grade of crab meat is ideal for crab cakes and it is commonly used by manufacturers
  • Jumbo Lump
  • The jumbo lump grade crab meat comes from larger crabs, is the meat from the two large muscles connected to the swimming legs. Contrary to smaller portions of crab meat, it can be used whole. It has a brilliant white color.

  • Colossal
  • Colossal crab meat, also called Mega Jumbo Lump, is the largest whole unbroken pieces available from the blue crab and blue swimming crab.The colossal meat is taken from the two largest muscles connected to the back swimming legs of the crab.

The lumps, or pieces, in the Colossal grade are bigger than those in the Jumbo Lump.

From wikiHOW
How To Poach Eggs
white vinegar
salt and pepper
1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil or
olive oil to prevent eggs from sticking

Pour at least three to four inches of water into a large pot. Bring water to a boil. Season water with salt and pepper. Add approximately one tablespoon of vinegar to the water. Reduce heat to simmer. Swirl the water around quickly to make a whirlpool, helps to keep the eggs in shape. Crack one egg into a ladle and lower egg into water, gently releasing egg into the water. Gently move egg around in water to prevent egg from spreading in water. Remove egg with a slotted spoon after two to three minutes. Re-heat the water, then turn the knob to 'simmer' and continue with another egg.

From wikiHOW
Easy Hollondaise Sauce
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup butter, melted and HOT

Thoroughly blend egg yolks, lemon juice, and salt using your *electric blender. Slowly drizzle in hot melted butter while blending at slow speed. Use immediately, or keep warm by pouring into heatproof container and placing container in a sauce pan of hot water. Stir occasionally. If sauce thickens too much, add 1 or 2 teaspoons of hot water then beat until smooth.

*Editor's Note: If an electric blender is not available manual whisking will accomplish the same consistency, it simply takes a little longer to blend

Text Credits: Wikipedia || wikiHOW || wikiHOW Image Credits: wikimediaCommons || wikiHOW

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