Recipe For ~ Angel's Food Cake: 11 eggs (whites) 1 1/2 cupfuls granulated sugar 1 cupful flour 1 teaspoonful vanilla or almond. 1 teaspoonful cream of tartar.
Measure the flour after sifting once, mix with cream of tartar and sift four times. Beat the whites of the eggs until stiff and flaky. Add the sugar and beat again; add vanilla or almond, then mix in flour quickly and lightly. Line the bottom and funnel of a cakepan with paper not greased, pour in the mixture and bake about forty minutes. When done loosen the cake around the edges and turn out.
Recipe For ~ Angel Food: 11 eggs 1 teaspoonful vanilla 1 1/2 tumblerfuls granulated sugar 1 teaspoonful cream of tartar 1 tumblerful sifted flour
Sift the flour four times, add cream of tartar and sift again. Sift the sugar and measure it; beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, on a large platter; on the same platter, add the sugar lightly. Then add the flour gently, then the vanilla. Don't stop beating until you put it in the pan. Bake forty minutes in a moderate oven, try with a straw, and if too soft, let it remain a few minutes longer. Don't open the oven until the cake has been in fifteen minutes. Turn the pan upside down to cool, and when cold, take out by loosening around the sides with a knife; then ice. Use a pan that has never been greased.
Recipe For ~ Devil's Food Chocolate Cake: 1/2 cupful butter 1 3/4 cupfuls flour 1 cupful sugar 1 level teaspoonful soda dissolved in milk 1 egg (whole) 2 eggs (yolks) 3 squares chocolate 1 1/2 cupfuls milk. Creamed butter Beat butter and sugar together. Beat the eggs together and mix with creamed butter. Dissolve soda in milk. Scald milk and mix with chocolate. Mix one yolk with this and put in cake.
Recipe For ~ Chocolate Icing: 1 teacupful of grated chocolate dissolved in 1/2 teacupful of boiling water. Then add two teacupfuls of sugar and a teaspoonful of butter. Let it boil until it threads from the spoon, then beat until cold, or stiff enough to spread between the cake.
Recipe For ~ Plain Icing: To ice one medium sized cake, take 2 teacupfuls of granulated sugar, and 1 teacupful of water; boil until it will thread from the spoon. Have the white of an egg beaten to a stiff froth, and pour the sugar into it very slowly, beating all the time. When perfectly white, and almost cold, add a few drops of the juice of a fresh lemon, or flavor as desired. One egg to each cupful of sugar may be used if desired. Any icing may be thinned with the unbeaten white of an egg, when too stiff.
Text Credit: The new Annie Dennis cook book: a compendium of popular household recipes for the busy housewife
Image Credit: Lance Cpl. Rashaad S. Riboul, front, places a cherry on top of his devil’s food cake. Author: Lance Cpl. Tyler J. Bolken. This image is a work of a U.S. military or Department of Defense employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.
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