Monday, February 18, 2013

Tomato Soup

Take one can of stewed tomatoes and strain them to take the seeds out; put on the stove and put in one-half teaspoonful of soda, a small piece of butter, some salt and pepper, and have two cups of milk hot, and just before serving put the milk into the tomatoes and pour over crackers. - Mrs. S. P. Corbett

Peel four large, ripe tomatoes in one quart of boiling water, cook until soft. Strain and return to fire, stir in a teaspoonful of soda, and while it is still foaming add one pint of boiling milk, a large piece of butter, pepper and salt; thicken with cracker dust. Roll three or four crackers fine. - Emma E.Guy

Creamed Tomato Soup, Put milk in double boiler with slice of onion. Mix flour with a little milk, and when milk is hot add, stirring constantly for about 20 minutes. Remove onion, cook tomatoes until done, and then add the soda and sugar in tomatoes. Strain and add the milk, put butter, salt and pepper in tureen and strain the soup over it. - Mrs. S. Chase.

INTRODUCTION: We wish to express to all who have contributed recipes our hearty thanks, and regret that lack of space forbids our use of all which have been received. We wish also to thank our advertisers who have so generously helped toward the financial success of our first attempt at book-making. We hope all purchasers will find our little book of assistance in the difficult art of cooking, regretting that we cannot in some way impart to the recipes the "knack" which many of the donors possess. - The Class.

Title: A book of tested recipes. Author: Baptist Church (Norwood, Mass.). Ladies Aid Society. Publisher: The Society, 1907. Original from: Harvard University. Digitized: Jan 15, 2008. Length: 104 pages.

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