Sunday, January 13, 2013

Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled Eggs. — Put into a well-greased pan as many eggs as it will hold separately, each yolk being whole. When the whites have begun to set, stir from bottom of pan until done .

Another way is to beat the eggs with a spoon. To eight eggs add one-third teaspoonful salt. Heat two tablespoonfuls butter in the frying-pan. Stir in the eggs, and continue stirring until eggs set. Before they toughen, turn them out promptly into a warm dish.

Camp cookery. Author: Horace Kephart. Edition: 2. Publisher: Outing Publishing Co., 1910. Original from: the University of California. Digitized: Sep 22, 2010. Length: 154 pages. Subjects: Outdoor cookery, Outdoor cooking.

Scrambled Egg - Beat 4 eggs light, add y2 teaspoon baking powder, i teaspoon salt, pepper to taste, and beat again. Boil cup milk or milk and water mixed with i tablespoon flour in the frying pan. Cool a little and add the eggs. Stir the mixture constantly over a very low fire until the eggs are cooked but not tough.

Low Cost Cooking: Author: Florence Nesbitt. Publisher: American School of Home. Economics, 1915. Original from: Harvard University. Digitized: Jul 7, 2007. Length: 127 pages. Subjects: Cookery, American, Cooking, American, Low budget cookery.

pots and pans

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