Monday, January 7, 2013

Baked Apples De Luxe

APPLE a day keeps the doctor away," goes the old saw so familiar to us all, but whether that prescribed apple shall be or raw is left to our own disA well-baked apple served daintily for breakfast, or as a complement to a good luncheon or dinner, is hard to surpass from both a dietetic and a savory standpoint.

The choice of apples is a most important one to insure the fluffy, crimson-cheeked, translucent globes of deliciousness which I have in mind. Large, well-flavored fruit that will not easily fall to pieces is always preferable. If the recipe calls for peeled apples, the outward appearance of the raw fruit is not of great moment, but when the apples are to be baked in their peels, I should advise King apples, Spitzenburgs, or any other bright red variety which is of good flavor and very firm texture. The spotty fruit and smaller apples may be served in many other delightful ways.

Baked Apples Glace are merely very good baked apples, but they have never failed to awaken admiration in every one who has seen or eaten them. These apples may be made as plain or as elaborate as one desires. Select the largest and reddest firm apples that you can find, and core and peel them about one-third of the way down from the stem end; then place them in a deep dripping pan or casserole which has a closely-fitting cover. Meanwhile make a thin sirup, using one cupful of sugar to one and one-half cupfuls of water for six apples, and boil it for six minutes. Pour this sirup over the apples, cover them tightly, and place in a medium hot oven, or over a low gas burner flame. Baste the apples occasionally until they arc quite tender, but still whole and perfect. Remove the cover and place one teaspoonful of sugar in the cavity of each apple, also sprinkling sugar over the peeled surface. Then place the pan under the flame.

Baked Apples De LuxeSimmer tne apples in sugar sirup until tender, basting them often. Fill the cavities and sprinkle the surface of the apples with sugar broiler in a gas range or at the top of a very hot oven, until the sugar has melted ;md the peeled section of the apple has taken on a very light, delicate shade of brown. Basting once or twice during this process helps also to make the apples look as though they had been varnished with clear melted sugar. Served with plain cream, this dish is suitable for a child or for an invalid; topped with sweetened "hipped cream, flanked by two leaves cut from a bit of angelica and just touched with a fragment of candied cherry, it is almost too pretty to eat.

Glazed Baked Apples of another sort may appeal to those who are fond of spicy dishes. Red apples of a regular size should be chosen for this dish and should be washed, cored, and placed in the baking pan, their cavities filled with sugar and cinnamon, mixed in the proportion of one-half teaspoonful of cinnamon to one cupful of sugar. Pour enough boiling water about the apples to cover the bottom of the pan or casserole. Cover the apples closely, and bake them until of a dark, rich, red color and very tender. Then remove the apples from the pan and allow them to cool. Boil one cupful of sugar and one cupful of water for six minutes and pour this sirup over six apples. Serve the apples cold.

Baked Apples for serving with meats form an excellent way to make use of the speckled and spotted apples. Cut the fruit in quarters, but do not pare, though dark spots should be removed. Melt one-fourth cupful of butter with three-fourths cupful sugar, and mix with two quarts of the quartered apples. Place in a deep pan, cover closely, and bake slowly for one hour. Serve hot.

Baked Apples with Prune Juice make a splendid breakfast dish and a healthful one as well. Core, pare, and cut into halves crosswise the desired number of apples. Place them in a baking dish with one-half teaspoonful of butter in the center of each half; sprinkle the apples with brown or white sugar as preferred and pour prune juice, drained from the stewed prunes, over the apples. Two cupfuls of prune juice are sufficient for six whole apples.
Cover the apples and bake them till tender, basting frequently. Fifteen minutes before removing the apples from the oven take off the cover and finish the baking. Serve hot or cold with or without cream. The juice from canned fruits of any kind may also be used in the same way.

Place the pan under the broiler flame or in a hot oven until the sugar has melted and the apples have a delicate plazed appearance THE making of pies seems always to have been the bugaboo of cooking. It is discouraging to the housewife to serve a misshapen pie, or one whose crust is pale and soggy, and it is safe to say that pie-making brings forth more disparaging remarks than any other kind of cookery, so the young housewife is especially loathe to attempt it. Yet an analysis of the whole process of plain pie-making proves it to be a comparatively simple one and one which, if carefully followed, brings forth almost faultless results.

Bibliographic information Title: Good Housekeeping, Volume 70 Publisher: Hearst Corporation, 1920. Original fromL: University of Minnesota. Digitized: Mar 30, 2011

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